Viewing the Black Bear in its natural habitat is best viewed on a boat tours, as they are often present on the shores when tides are low. If you see any wild bears as you are walking or driving in your car please do not get close to get a better view.
The majestic giants that rule to waters are a must see when visiting. Thankfully most of the bear watching charters also take you through the whale viewing hotspots. Here are some local businesses that can help make sure you see the beautiful wildlife of British Columbia.
Archipelago Cruises
Tel: (250) 726-8289
Website: www.archipelagocruises.com
Jamie’s Whaling Station
Tel: (250) 726-7444
Website: www.jamies.com
Subtidal Adventures
Tel: (250) 726-7336
Website: www.subtidaladventures.com