Gone Fishing!
We have wonderful sport-fishing available here. Several salmon species, Halibut, Ling Cod, Black cod, crab…..mmmmm!
*If your visit to Ucluelet involves sport fishing, please ensure that you have made arrangements for storage of your catch. Options are with your fishing charter captain, in your vehicle or bringing them to either of the 2 companies here in town that can vacuum pack and freeze fish. Fishfull Thinking – 250-726-2000. Far West Foods 250-726-7767 or 726-4404. Both are located close to the motel.
St. Jean’s Cannery has locations in Port Alberni, Nanaimo and Vancouver – for those of you interested in canning your catch.
You will not be permitted to bring your catch or gear into your unit, under any circumstances. Outside is not an option due to bears and raccoons. Fishermen, who do not utilize the fish processor, should store on ice inside a locked vehicle or store with your fishing charter captain. You are welcome to bring in a piece of fish that is “grocery-store ready” (ie it has been cleaned and scaled at the fish cleaning station) to cook in your kitchenette (if you book one) or on the BBQ at the cookshack.*
Fishing Charters:
Fishmyster – www.fishmyster.com
Long Beach Fishing Charters – www.longbeachcharters.com
Morning Magic Sportfishing – www.morningmagic.com
Murphy Sport Fishing – www.murphysportfishing.com
Ocean Rambler – www.fishingucluelet.com
Pacific Blue Ventures – www.justfishn.com
Pacific Rim Fishing Charters – www.pacificrimfishingcharters.com
Tight Lines Fishing Charters www.tightlinesfishing.ca
West Coast Fish Expeditions – www.westcoastfish.com
Wild Pacific Charters – www.wildpacificcharters.com
G&M Fishing Charters – www.fishingbc.ca
Salmon Eye Charters – www.salmoneye.net
Cameron Sport Fishing – cameronsportfishing.com
Apply for your fishing license online at